Sueco (svenska) es una lengua germánica del norte, estrechamente relacionada con Norwegian and Danish, and through them related to Icelandic and Faroese. It is strongly influenced by Low German. Hablado por más de 10 millones de personas, el sueco es el idioma "principal" de Sweden and the official language of the Åland Islands. It is also one of the two "national languages" of Finland, along with Finnish,aunque la lengua materna de sólo alrededor del 6% de los finlandeses, sigue siendo mayoría en algunas zonas costeras y una minoría significativa en algunas ciudades también en otros lugares.
Como, por ejemplo, el inglés británico y americano, existen diferencias entre el sueco hablado en Suecia (rikssvenska) y el sueco hablado en Finlandia (finlandssvenska), en pronunciación, gramática y vocabulario, en parte debido a la influencia del finlandés en este último, pero también debido a que conserva algunos rasgos arcaicos.
El finlandés-sueco es menos tonal, un poco más fonético y, como en finlandés, la 'r' siempre se trina. También existen diferencias dialectales dentro de Finlandia y Suecia, sobre todo el sueco hablado en Scania recuerda al danés hasta cierto punto, pero los hablantes de sueco con diferentes dialectos rara vez tienen dificultades para entenderse. Algunos dialectos arcaicos del campo Ostrobothnia son incomprensibles, pero los hablantes cambiarán al sueco normal cuando hablen con personas que no son locales.
Como el sueco es una lengua germánica, los hablantes de otras lenguas germánicas como German, Dutch or even English will be able to recognise many cognates.
Si bien prácticamente todos los suecos menores de 70 años pueden hablar algo de inglés y la mayoría de los jóvenes con fluidez, siempre se agradece probar algunas palabras en sueco. Lo mismo ocurre con los suecos de Finlandia. Si su sueco es fuerte, algunos hablantes de finlandés pueden apreciar usar el suyo, pero de lo contrario probablemente debería ceñirse al inglés o Finnish con personas cuya lengua materna es el finlandés.
Guía de pronunciación
[editar]El sueco es conocido por sus sonidos vocales adicionales, dando al sueco nueve (!) vocales diferentes. La mayoría se pronuncia de manera diferente al inglés y algunos ni siquiera tienen un verdadero equivalente en inglés; algunos pueden estar cerca, pero suenan como una combinación de dos sonidos de vocales. Esto puede ser muy confuso, pero probablemente no escuche suficiente sueco para notar la diferencia, ya que pueden ser muy leves. Si no lo entiende exactamente, es posible que aún lo entiendan. Todas las vocales se pueden pronunciar cortas o largas, lo que significa que el sueco tiene 17 sonidos vocales diferentes (la e corta y la ä corta son lo mismo).
Tenga en cuenta: en sueco, la 'Y' es una vocal y no una consonante. Å, Ä y Ö son letras por derecho propio, al final del alfabeto después de Z.
- a
- like 'a' in "father."
- e
- short: like 'e' in "bed" or "pen." long: like 'ey' in "hey," pero más. A veces puede sonar un poco como "Ay-uh"; porque la pronunciación sueca es más larga. Las E generalmente se pronuncian al final de una palabra, como en "kaffe" (pronunciada kaff-eh, meaning coffee), unlike English where e's at the end of a word are usually silent.
- i
- short: like 'i' in "India" long: like 'i' in "machine." Fairly straightforward.
- o
- like 'u' in "put," but not exactly. It's somewhere between that and the 'o' in "broken" in actuality.
- u
- like 'ou' in "you."
- y
- like 'y' in "Nitroglycerin." This is one of the harder ones to learn. Easiest way is to round your lips (important) and say "bee." It may sound closer to an English short 'i' sound to some people.
- å
- like 'au' in "Paul" generally speaking. Similar to å in Danish.
- ä
- identical to the ä in German (sounds like an "e" as in "bet". Pronounced with more bass if preceding r. Corresponds to æ in Danish and Norwegian.
- ö
- Same as in German. Pronounced with more bass if preceding r. Corresponds to ø in Danish and Norwegian.
The pronunciation of u and y varies quite a lot between regions; all native speakers make a clear distinction, although the u of somebody may be close to y of somebody else.
[editar]Consonants are closer to English, but some combinations can be downright tricky, i.e. 'sj' in "sjutton." Some pronunciations depend on the vowel following it, and so the vowels are divided into "soft" and "hard" vowels. A, o, u, and å are the hard vowels, and e, i, y, ä, and ö are the soft vowels. There are also some combinations of letters treated as a group for the purpose of pronunciation (e.g. ch, ng, sch, sj, tj).
- b
- like 'b' in "bed"
- c
- like 'c' in "cat", sometimes 's' like the first c in circus; a 'ch' combination is sometimes pronounced like English 'sh', but pronounced like a 'k' in the word och.
- d
- like 'd' in "dog"
- f
- like 'f' in "for"
- g
- like 'g' in "go", when preceding a hard vowel, like 'y' in "yellow" when preceding a soft vowel. A 'gn' pronunciation is pronounced like an English 'g', except for when it follows a vowel, in which case it is pronounced 'ng+n.'
- h
- like 'h' in "help". A superfluous silent 'h' is common in names (e.g. Elisabet and Elisabeth are pronounced the same).
- j
- like 'y' in "yell," and if there is a d, g, or h before a 'j' then that letter is silent.
- k
- like 'k' in "king" before a hard vowel, like 'sh' before a soft one. 'Kj' is pronounced 'sh' as well
- l
- like 'l' in "love," but 'lj' is pronounced like a 'y'
- m
- like 'm' in "mother"
- n
- like 'n' in "nice", like 'ng' in "song" when preceding k
- ng
- not a letter; like 'ng' in "song"
- p
- like 'p' in "pig"
- q
- like 'q' in "quest" (with "u", almost always)
- r
- Like a Scottish or Spanish 'r': trilled with the tip of your tongue at the roof of your mouth. S in 'Rs' is pronounced 'sh'.
- s
- like 'ss' in "hiss," but 'skj' and 'stj' are pronounced 'sh.' 'Sj' is hard for non-native speakers – try rounding your lips and saying "hwoo" to get the gist of it. 'Sk' is also pronounced this way before soft vowels.
- t
- like 't' in "top"
- tj
- not a letter; like 'ssy' in "kiss you"
- v
- like 'v' in "victory"
- w
- like 'v' in "victor," but w's in Swedish are uncommon.
- x
- like 'cks' in "kicks", like 'ehcks' at beginning of a word.
- z
- like 's' in "saw"
Phrase list
[editar]Si va a Suecia, especialmente si va a cualquier otro lugar que no sea Estocolmo, probablemente lo más importante que debe saber en sueco es el nombre del lugar al que va. La mayoría de las personas hablan un inglés muy bueno y fluido, pero no se dan cuenta de la pronunciación en inglés de la ciudad que quizás desee visitar, y esto puede causar problemas importantes en las estaciones de tren, aeropuertos o estaciones de autobuses, ya que muchos lugares tienen pronunciaciones muy diferentes. de lo que un hablante de inglés esperaría al mirar el nombre escrito.
- Gothenburg
- Göteborg (YOO-te-bore-eh) with the 'te' as in Television or ten. Some may understand the English pronunciation, but don't take that for granted.
- Umeå
- (YOU-meh-oh, or YOU-meh in the northern accent that is spoken close to Umeå). Tenga en cuenta que ninguna de las pronunciaciones aquí es una aproximación muy cercana a la forma real en que pronunciará un sueco, pero el sonido å realmente no tiene correspondencia en la mayoría de los acentos estándar del inglés. No lo pronuncies Oo-mej-aah, ya que nadie te entenderá y se te pedirá que lo muestres en el mapa)
- Luleå
- (Lyu-leh-oh). Lyu sounds close to how some dialects of English would read the lu in luminous, or to the way others would read the lew in lewd. If you find this hard, try to pronounce Skellefteå (Huell-eff-teh-oh or Shell-eff-teh-oh). Note that the u and the second h in the first pronunciation are nearly unsounded.
- Växjö
- (Vac h'oh), as if the two would be different words. The oh sound is close to the French eau, so don't stress the o in 'ho' though (as you would do in ho-ho-ho). Don't pronounce it as Vaks-joe, since no one will have any clue what that is.
- Köping
- (is pronounced almost like English 'shopping'). There are many köpings in Sweden (Norrköping, Nyköping, Köping, Söderköping), and in all, the köping part is pronounced identically. Nyköping (the small Ryanair airport for Stockholm, also known as Skavsta) is pronounced Ne-Shopping, with the Ne as in Nemo.
- Öland
- (eu-land) and
- Åland
- (O'-land), two rather large islands off the Eastern coast of Sweden. For an English speaker, their pronunciation can sound very, very similar. A confusion between the two can easily be a disaster (Åland is in Finland), so if in doubt over the exact pronunciation, either write them down, or refer to something that would distinguish them (their biggest cities, Åland to be the 'Finnish island' or the 'Ferry island', Öland the 'Swedish island' or the 'Island with the bridge'), so that you don't accidentally end up in the wrong place.
- Götaland
- (Yottalaand) and
- Gotland
- (Got laand or even 'Got land', as it would sound in English). Again two very different places, this time both in Sweden, not looking very different in spelling, but pronounced in a very different fashion.
- Åre
- - Oh-reh, not Ah-reh.
Many other places are pronounced in rather simpler, less tongue twisting fashions. Stockholm, Kiruna, Malmö sound in Swedish very much like they do English. If taking the train or plane to Copenhagen, remember the Swedish spelling is Köpenhamn, and is pronounced Shop-en-hamn. As most train stations do not have public announcements or information boards in English, this may be useful. Similarly, in Sweden, Helsinki is always referred to as Helsingfors (Helsing-forsh), and all roadsigns and announcements within Sweden use this term. If you want to take the ferry to Turku in Finland, remember the Swedes call the city Åbo (a close pronunciation being Oh-boh). And if going to Norway, Oslo is pronounced in a fashion rather close to the one in English.
[editar]- Hello.
- Hej. (HAY). Also hejsan (haysan). Informal, pero hoy en día se utiliza en casi todos los contextos de Suecia. En contextos informales, también puede utilizar tjena (Schenah – soft e), or tja (Scheh')
- How are you?
- Hur mår du? (Hoor mor doo?)
- Fine, thank you.
- Tack, jag mår bra. (Tack, yag moor brah)
- What is your name?
- Vad heter du? (Vaad HAY-tehr doo?)
- My name is ______ .
- Jag heter ______ . (Yag HAY-tehr _____ .)
- Nice to meet you.
- Trevligt att träffa dig (singular) / er (plural) (TRAYV-leet at TREH-fa day/ehr)
- Please.
- See the infobox to the right.
- Thank you.
- Tack. (TACK)
- You're welcome.
- Var så god (VAHR saw good)
- How old are you.
- Hur gammal är du? (Heur gah mal air deu)
- Yes.
- Ja. (YAH)
- No.
- Nej. (NAY)
- Maybe.
- Kanske. ('KAN-Share')
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Ursäkta (Ooshehk-ta)
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Förlåt (Fur lowt)
- I'm sorry.
- Jag är ledsen (Yaag air lessen)
- Farewell
- Adjö (A-juuh)
- Goodbye
- Hej då (Hay doe)
- I can't speak 'Swedish' [well].
- Jag kan inte tala 'svenska' [så bra] (Yaag can eenteh taahla 'svenskah' [sooh brah])
- Do you speak English?
- Talar du engelska? (TAH-lar deu EHNG-ehl-ska)
- Does anyone here speak English?
- Talar någon engelska här? (TAH-lar NOA-gohn EHNG-ehl-ska hair)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Finns det någon här som talar engelska (Feens day noegon hair som talar engelskah)
- Help!
- Hjälp! (Yelp)
- Look out!
- Se upp (Say oop)
- Good morning.
- God morgon (Good MOR-ron)
- Good day.
- God dag (Good daag). Formal.
- Good afternoon.
- God eftermiddag (Good ef-ter-mee-dag). Ditto. Or jokingly (even more so than the previous).
- Good evening.
- God kväll (Good kvell). ... But you can use it.
- Good night (to sleep)
- God natt (Good natt)
- I understand.
- Jag förstår (Yag fur-STOAR)
- I don't understand.
- Jag förstår inte (Yag fur-stoar ihn-teh)
- Where is the toilet?
- Var ligger toaletten? (Vahr liggeh twa-LETT-en)
[editar]- Who are you here with?
- Vem är du här med? (Vehm air deu hair meed)
- I am on my own.
- Jag är ensam. (Yog air ehn sam)
- I am with...
- Jag är här med... (Yog air hair meed)
- My husband/wife.
- ...min man/fru (Mihn man/freu)
- My boyfriend/girlfriend.
- ...min pojkvän/flickvän. (Mihn poyk vehn/flihk vehn)
- My friend/friends.
- ...min vän/...mina vänner. (Mihn vehn/Mihn-ah veh-nehr)
[editar]- Leave me alone.
- Lämna mig ifred (Lehm-na may ee-frehd)
- Don't touch me!
- Rör mig inte (Rerr may in-teh)
- I'll call the police.
- Jag ringer polisen (Yahg reenger poolee-sen)
- Police!
- Polis! (Poolees)
- Stop! Thief!
- Stopp! Tjuv! (Stop! Schoove!)
- I need your help.
- Jag behöver din hjälp. (Yahg behoever deen yelp)
- It's an emergency.
- Det är ett nödläge. (Dat ehr ett noedleh-ge)
- I'm lost.
- Jag är vilse (Yahg ehr veel-seh)
- I lost my bag.
- Jag har tappat bort min väska (Yahg haar tapp-att boort meen vess-ka)
- I lost my wallet.
- Jag har förlorat min plånbok. (Yahg haar furlooratt meen plohnbook)
- I'm sick.
- Jag är sjuk. (Yahg aer chook)
- I've been injured.
- Jag är skadad. (Yahg ehr skaadaad)
- I need a doctor.
- Jag behöver en doktor (Yahg behoever en dock-toor)
- Can I use your phone?
- Får jag låna din telefon? (Fohr yahg lohna deen telle-fohn)
[editar]- 1
- En/ett (en/ett)
- 2
- två (tfoo)
- 3
- tre (trah)
- 4
- fyra (feera)
- 5
- fem (fahm)
- 6
- sex (sax)
- 7
- sju (hwoo)
- 8
- åtta (otha)
- 9
- nio (neeo)
- 10
- tio (teeo)
- 11
- elva (ahlvaa)
- 12
- tolv (tohlv)
- 13
- tretton (traahtoon)
- 14
- fjorton (fioortoon)
- 15
- femton(famtton)
- 16
- sexton (saxtoon)
- 17
- sjutton (hwootoon)
- 18
- arton (ahrtoon)
- 19
- nitton (neetoon)
- 20
- tjugo (shoogoo)
- 21
- tjugoett(shoogoo ett)
- 22
- tjugotvå(shoogo tfoo)
- 23
- tjugotre(shoogo trah)
- 30
- trettio (thra tee)
- 40
- fyrtio (fur tee)
- 50
- femtio (fam tee)
- 60
- sextio (sax tee)
- 70
- sjuttio (hwoo tee)
- 80
- åttio (oo tee)
- 90
- nittio (nee tee)
- 100
- ett hundra(at hoondrah)
- 175
- ett hundra sjuttiofem (at hoondrah shoo tee fam)
- 200
- två hundra(tfoo hoondrah)
- 300
- tre hundra (trah hoondrah)
- 1000
- ett tusen (at toosan)
- 2000
- två tusen (tfoo toosan)
- 3758
- Tre tusen sju hundra femtioåtta (trah toosan hwoo hoondrah famtee otha)
- 1,000,000
- En miljon (Ahn millyoon)
- 1,000,000,000
- En miljard (Ahn millyard)
- 1,000,000,000,000
- En biljon (Ahn billyoon)
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- nummer _____ (noomer)
- half
- halv/halvt/halva (hahlv/hahlft/hahlva)
- less
- mindre/mindre än (meendrah/meendrah ehn)
- more
- mer/mer än (mehr/mehr ehna)
[editar]- now
- nu (noo)
- later
- senare (seenareh)
- before
- före (fureh)
- morning
- morgon (mohrgon)
- afternoon
- eftermiddag (ehftermeedag)
- evening
- kväll (kvehll)
- night
- natt (nat)
Clock time
[editar]AM and PM are not used in Swedish, but either the 24-hour clock or a 12-hour clock with AM or PM inferred from the context. Sometimes informal expressions are used to clarify: klockan två i natt (at two o'clock tonight), tre på eftermiddagen (three in the afternoon), nio på morgonen (nine in the morning).
In writing, the 24-hour clock is used exclusively.
- What time is it?
- Vad är klockan? (Vahd ahr clockan)
- one o'clock AM
- klockan 1 (Clockan ett)
- two o'clock AM
- klockan 2 (Clockan tfoo)
- noon
- klockan 12 (Clockan toolfh)
- one o'clock PM
- klockan 13 (Clockan traahtoon) or klockan 1
- two o'clock PM
- klockan 14 (Clockan fioortoon) or klockan 2
- midnight
- Midnatt (Meed nat)
- quarter to _____
- Kvart i _____(qvahrt ee)
"Half past" is not used in Swedish. Instead, the half hours expressed are halves of the coming hour, so 1:30 becomes "half two".
- 1:30 pm
- Halv två (hahlv tvoo)
[editar]- _____ minute/minutes (ago)
- _____ minut/minuter (sedan) (meenoot/meenootar (sahdahn))
- _____ hour/hours (ago)
- _____ timme/timmar (sedan) (teemah/teemahr (sahdahn))
- _____ day/days (ago)
- _____ dag/dagar (sedan) (daag/daagahr (sahdahn))
- _____ week/weeks (ago)
- _____ vecka/veckor (sedan) (vacka/vackor (sahdahn))
- _____ month/months (ago)
- _____ månad/månader (sedan) (moonad/moonadar (sahdahn))
- _____ year/years (ago)
- _____ år/år (sedan) (ohr/ohr (sahdahn))
[editar]- today
- idag (ee dahg)
- tonight
- inatt (ee nat)
- yesterday
- igår (ee goor)
- yesternight
- igår natt (ee goor nat)
- the day before yesterday
- i förrgår (ee fur goor)
- tomorrow
- imorgon (ee moor goon)
- the day after tomorrow
- i övermorgon (ee uh vahr moorgoon)
- this week
- denna vecka (dehn a vecka)
- last week
- förra veckan (fur a veckan)
- next week
- nästa vecka (nesta vecka)
Please note that the first day of the week in Sweden is Monday, not Sunday.
- Monday
- måndag (moon daag)
- Tuesday
- tisdag (Tees daag)
- Wednesday
- onsdag (oons daag)
- Thursday
- torsdag (toosh daag)
- Friday
- fredag (fraah daag)
- Saturday
- lördag (lur daag)
- Sunday
- söndag (Sun daag)
[editar]- January
- januari (yaan oo ah ree)
- February
- februari (fab roo ah ree)
- March
- mars (maas)
- April
- april (aa preel)
- May
- maj (my)
- June
- juni (yoo nee)
- July
- juli (yoo lee)
- August
- augusti (ao goo stee)
- September
- september (sap tam bahr)
- October
- oktober (ohk too bahr)
- November
- november (noo vam baar)
- December
- december (dah sam baar)
[editar]- black
- svart (svaahrt)
- white
- vit (veet)
- gray
- grå (groo)
- red
- röd (rud)
- blue
- blå (bloo)
- yellow
- gul (gool)
- green
- grön (grun)
- orange
- orange/brandgul (ohrahnj/braahnd gool)
- purple
- lila/purpur/violett (leela/poorpoor/veeo lat)
- brown
- brun (broon)
[editar]Bus and train
[editar]- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Vad kostar en biljett till _____? (Vahd koostaar ahn beeljat teel_____?)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- En biljett till _____, tack. (Ahn beel-jat teel ___, tac)
- Where does this train go?
- Vart går detta tåg ? (vahrt goor dat a toog)
- Where does this bus go?
- Vart går denna buss? ( Vahrt goor dahna boos)
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Var är tåget/bussen till _____? (vahr ahr toogat/boosan teel)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- Stannar tåget/bussen i_____? (staanar toogat/boosan ee)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- När åker tåget/bussen till_____? (nahr oocar toogat/boosan teel ____ )
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- När kommer tåget/bussen till_____? (nahr coomer toogat/boosan teel)
[editar]- How do I get to _____ ?
- Hur kommer jag till _____ ? (Hoor koomar yag teel)
- ...the railway station?
- ...järnvägsstationen? (jaahrn vaags stat ee oo nahn)
- ...the bus station?
- ...busshållplatsen/busstationen? (boos hool plat sahn/ boos stat ee oo nahn)
- ...the airport?
- ...flygplatsen? (fleeg plat sahn)
- ...downtown?
- centrum? (sehntrohm)
- ...the youth hostel?
- ...vandrarhemmet? (vahndrahrhehmeht)
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ...hotellet _____ ? (hootahlat)
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ...det amerikanska/kanadensiska/australiensiska/brittiska konsulatet? (dat americansca/canadansisca/aoostraaleeansisca/bree-tee-sca consoolahtat)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Var finns det många... (vahr feens dat moonga)
- ...hotell? (hoo tahl)
- ...restaurants?
- ...restauranger? (rastoorangar)
- ...bars?
- ...barer? (baa rar)
- ...sites to see?
- ...sevärdheter? (sehvahrdheheter)
- Can you show me on the map?
- Kan du visa mig på kartan? (Can doo veesa may poo car-taan)
- street
- gata/gatan (gaataa/gaataan)
- Turn left.
- Gå till vänster. (Goo teel vanster)
- Turn right.
- Gå till höger. (Goo teel hug ar)
- left
- vänster (vanster)
- right
- höger (hug ar)
- over there
- där borta(dahr boortaa)
- straight ahead
- rakt framåt (raakt frahmoot)
- towards the _____
- mot _____ (moot)
- past the _____
- förbi_____ (fur bee)
- before the _____
- före _____ (fur ahe)
- Watch for the _____.
- Titta efter/Kolla efter_____. (Tee taa ahefter/Cohla ahefter)
- intersection
- vägkorsning (vahg koor sning)
- north
- norr (nohr)
- south
- syd (seed)
- east
- öst (ust)
- west
- väst (vahst)
- uphill
- uppe på berget/ på berget(oopah poo baryat/ poo baryat)
- downhill
- nedanför berget/ i dalen / vid bergets fot (nahdan fur baryat/ ee dalahn/ veed baryats foot)
[editar]- Taxi!
- Taxi! (tah ksee)
- Take me to _____, please.
- Kör mig till_____, tack. (Chur may teel ____, tac)
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Vad kostar det att åka till_____? (Vaad coostar dat at ooka teel_____?)
- Take me there, please.
- Ta mig dit, tack. (Tah may deet, tac)
[editar]- Do you have any rooms available?
- Finns det några rum lediga? (Feens dat noogra room ladiga)
- How much is a room for one person/two/three/four people?
- Vad kostar ett rum för en person/två/tre/fyra personer(vahd koostar at room fur ahn pahrsoon/tfoo/trah/feera parsoonar)
- Does the room come with...
- Ingår ... i rummet (Ehngaar ... ee roomat)
- ...bedsheets?
- ...lakan? (laa can)
- ...a bathroom?
- ...ett badrum? (at baahd room)
- ...a telephone?
- ...en telefon? (ahn tahlephoon)
- ...a TV?
- ...en TV? (ahn teh veh)
- May I see the room first?
- Får jag se rummet först? (Fohr yag seh roomat first?)
- Do you have anything smaller?
- Finns det något mindre? (feens dat noogot meendra?)
- ...bigger?
- ...större? (stuh rah)
- ...cleaner?
- ...renare? (rehnara)
- ...cheaper?
- ...billigare? (beelee gaa rah)
- OK, I'll take it.
- OK, jag tar det. (Oh-key, yag taar dat)
- I will stay for _____ night (nights).
- Jag stannar _____ natt (nätter). (yag stahnahr ____ nat (natar))
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Kan du föreslå ett annat hotell? (Can doo fur-ah-sloo at ahnat hohtahl)
- Do you have a safe?
- Har du ett kassaskåp? (Hahr doo at cassascope)
- ...lockers?
- ...låsbara skåp? (loosbahra scope)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- Ingår frukost/kvällsmat (kvällsmat can also be called middag [more common])? (ingoor froo-kost/ kvahlsmat (meedag))
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- När är det frukost/kvällsmat (middag)? (Nehr are det froo-kost/kvahlsmat (meedag))
- Please clean my room.
- "Städa mitt rum, tack" (stahda met room, tack)
- Can you wake me at _____?
- Kan du väcka mig klockan _____? (Can doo vacka may clockan)
- I want to check out.
- Jag vill checka ut. (Yag veel chaca oot)
[editar]- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- Tar ni amerikanska/australiensiska/ kanadensiska Dollar? (Taar nee americansca/aoostraalyenseesca Dollar)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- Tar ni brittiska pund? (Taar nee bree-tee-sca poond )
- Do you accept Euro?
- Tar ni euro? (Taar nee euro)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Tar ni kreditkort? (taar nee crahdeetcoort)
- Can you change money for me?
- Kan ni växla pengar åt mig? (Can nee vacslaa pahngar oot may?)
- Where can I get money changed?
- Var kan jag växla pengar? (Vahr can yag vacslaa pahngar)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- Kan du växla en resecheck åt mig? (Can doo vacslaa ahn rehsah chac oht may)
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Var kan jag växla en resecheck? (''Vahr can yag vacslaa ahn rehsah chac)
- What is the exchange rate?
- Vad är växelkursen? (Vahd ehr vehcsehl coorsahn)
- Where is the nearest automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Var ligger den närmaste bankomaten? (Vahr leegehr dehn neermsta baancomaten)
[editar]- Bon appetit!
- Smaklig måltid! (Smock lig mol tid)
- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Ett bord för en/två, tack. (At boord fur ahn/tfoo , tac)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Får jag se på menyn, tack? (Foor yag seh poo meh-neen taak)
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Kan jag titta i köket? (Can yag tee-ta ee chu-keht)
- Is there a house specialty?
- Finns det en husets special? (feens dat ehn hoosats spahsee-ahl)
- Is there a local specialty?
- Finns det en lokal specialitet? (feens dat ehn loocal spahsee-ahlitee)
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Jag är vegetarian. (Yag ahr vehgehtahreean)
- I'm a vegan.
- Jag är vegan. (Yag ahr vehgaan)
- I don't eat pork.
- Jag äter inte fläskkött. (Yag ehtahr eentah flahsc-shut)
- I don't eat beef.
- Jag äter inte nötkött. (Yag ehtahr eentah nut-shut )
- I only eat kosher food.
- Jag äter bara koshermat. (Yag ehter bahra koshermaht)
Except for the big cities, this will draw a blank stare from the waiter. Most Swedes are aware that pork is not kosher, but apart from that, almost all non-Jewish Swedes would not have any idea about kosher rules. Jews constitute roughly 0.15% of the Swedish population, and outside the big cities the great majority of Swedes have never met a Jew.
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Jag vill ha det lätt, tack. (mindre olja/smör/flott) (Yag veel hah deht laht tac. (meendreh olya/smur/floth)
- à la carte
- à la carte (ahla cahrt)
- breakfast
- frukost (froocost)
- lunch
- lunch (loons) or when in Skåne/Scania middag (meedag)
- tea
- te (teh)
- supper
- middag (meedag) or when in Skåne/Scania kvällsmat (kvaellsmaat)
- I want _____.
- Jag vill ha _____. (Yag veel ha)
- chicken
- kyckling (shoo cleeng)
- beef
- biff/nötkött (beeff/nut-shut)
- fish
- fisk (fihsk)
- ham
- skinka (sheenca)
- sausage
- korv (coorv)
- cheese
- ost (oost)
- egg
- ägg (eg)
- fried egg
- stekt ägg (steeake eg)
- scrambled egg
- äggröra (eg-grur-ra)
- salad/salat
- sallad (sahlad)
- (fresh) vegetables
- (färska) grönsaker ((fehrsca)grun sahcehr)
- (fresh) fruit
- (färsk) frukt ((fehrsc) frooct)
- bread
- bröd (brurd)
- toast
- toast/rostat bröd med smör/rostat bröd (toast/roostat brud mahd smur/ roostat brud)
- noodles
- nudlar (noodlar)
- rice
- ris (rees)
- beans
- bönor (bun-oor)
- May I have a glass of _____?
- Kan jag få ett glas_____? (Can yag foo at glahs)
- May I have a cup of _____?
- Kan jag få en kopp_____? (Can yag foo ahn cop)
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- Kan jag få en flaska_____? (Can yag foo ahn flaasca)
- coffee
- kaffe (ca-feh)
- tea
- te (teh)
- juice
- juice (yoos)
- fruit juice
- fruktjuice (frukht yoas)
- bubbly water
- bubbelvatten (boobehlvahtehn)
- water
- vatten (vah tehn)
- milk
- mjölk (myurlk)
- ice-cream
- glass (glaw-ss)
- beer
- öl (uhl)
- red/white wine
- röd/vitt vin (rud/veet veen)
- May I have some _____?
- Kan jag få lite_____? (Can yag foo leeteh)
- salt
- salt (sahlt)
- sugar
- socker (sock-kare)
- black pepper
- svartpeppar(svart pehppar)
- butter
- smör (smurr)
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Ursäkta, hovmästarn! (Oorsacta, hoovmastarn)
- I'm finished.
- Jag är klar. (Yag ahr clahr)
- It was delicious.
- Det smakade utmärkt. (deht smahcade utmehrct)
- Please clear the plates.
- Ta bort faten, tack. (Tah boort fahten tac)
- The check, please.
- Notan, tack. (Nootan, tac)
[editar]- Do you serve alcohol?
- Serverar ni alkohol? (sehrvehrar doo alcohoole)
- Is there table service?
- Finns bordsservice? (feens boords-sur vees)
- A beer/two beers, please.
- En öl/två öl, tack. (Ahn ul/tfoo ul, tac)
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Ett glas röd/vitt vin, tack. (At glaas rudt/veet veen)
- A pint, please.
- En stor stark, tack. (En stoorh starc, tac) will get you a glass of light lager, usually 40cl
- A bottle, please.
- En flaska, tack. (Ahn flaascha, tac)
- _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please
- ___ (sprit) och ___ (blandare, tack (___ spriit ohc ___ blahndaara , tac)
- whiskey
- whiskey (whees-key)
- vodka
- vodka (vood caah)
- rum
- rom (rohm)
- water
- vatten (vaah-ten)
- club soda
- klubb-soda (clohb-sooda)
- tonic water
- tonic (tonic)
- orange juice
- apelsin juice (apehlseen joohs)
- Coke (soda)
- Coca Cola ,OR Cola (Cooca cohla, cohlaa)
- soda
- läsk (leahsk)
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- Har du något tilltugg ? (Hahr doo noogoht teeltoog)
- One more, please.
- En till, tack. (An teel, tac)
- Another round, please.
- En runda till. (An roonda teel)
- When is closing time?
- När stänger ni? (Nehr stahngahr nee)
[editar]- Do you have this in my size?
- Har ni den här i min storlek? (Haar nee dan hahr ee meen stoorlehc)
- How much is this?
- Vad kostar den? (Vahd coostahr dan)
- That's too expensive.
- Det är för dyrt. (Dat ar fur deert)
- Would you take _____?
- Tar ni _____? (Taar nee ___)
- expensive
- dyr/dyrt, dyra (plural) (deer/deert, deerah)
- cheap
- billig/billigt, billiga (plural) (bee leegh/bee leegt bee leegah)
- I don't want it.
- Den vill jag inte ha. (Dan veel yag eenta haa)
- You're cheating me.
- Du lurar mig. (Doo loorar may)
- I'm not interested.
- Jag är inte intresserad. (yag ahr eenta eentrahsehrad)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Jag tar den! (Yag tahr dan)
- Can I have a paper bag?
- Kan jag få en papperspåse? (Can yag foo ahn pahpahrs-poosa)
- Can I have a plastic bag?
- Kan jag få en plastpåse? (Can yag foo ahn plahst-poosa)
- Do you ship overseas?
- Skickar ni till utlandet? (Shickaar nee teel ootlandat)
- Do you ship?
- Skickar ni varor? (Shickaar nee vaaroor)
- I need...
- Jag behöver... (.Yag be-huv-ehr )
- ...toothpaste.
- ...tandkräm. (tahnd-crehm)
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...en tandborste. (ehn tahnd-boor-sta)
- ...soap.
- ...tvål. (tvool)
- ...shampoo.
- ...schampo. (shahm-poo)
- ...pain reliever. aspirin/ibuprofen
- ...något smärtstillande aspririn/ibuprofen. (noogoot smahrt-steel-ahn-deh ahspeereen/eebooproofehn )
- ...cold medicine.
- ...förkylningsmedicin. (foorshyhlningsmehdiseen)
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...medicin mot magont. (madeeseen moot mahg-oont)
- ...a razor.
- ...ett rakblad. (at raac-blaad)
- umbrella.
- ...ett paraply. (at pahraa-plee)
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ...solskyddskräm. (sool-sheeds-crahm)
- ...a postcard.
- ...ett vykort. (at veecoort)
- ...postage stamps.
- ...frimärken. (free-mahr-can)
- ...batteries.
- ...batterier. (baht-eh-ree-ar)
- ...writing paper.
- ...skrivblock/skrivpapper. (screev-bloc/screev-pap-ar)
- ...a pen.
- ...en penna. (ahn pen-a)
- ...English-language books.
- ...Böcker på engelska. (Buccar poo ahngelscaa)
- ...English-language magazines.
- ...vecko- eller månadstidningar på engelska. (vacco ahlar moonads-teedneengar poo ahngelscaa)
- English-language newspaper.
- ...engelskspråkiga dagstidningar. (Ahngehlscsproocigah daagsteedneegahr)
- English-Swedish dictionary.
- ...en engelsk-svensk ordbok. (An ahngehlsc-svehnsc oordbook)
- ...a Swedish-English dictionary.
- ...en svensk-engelsk ordbok. (Ahn svaansc-ahngaalsc oordbook)
- ...A dictionary with both English-Swedish and Swedish-English.
- ...En ordbok med både engelska till svenska och svenska till engelska. (Ahn oorbook mehd booda ahngelsca teel svehnsca oc svehnsca teel ahngelsca)
[editar]- I want to rent a car.
- Jag vill hyra en bil. (Yag veel heera ahn beel)
- Can I get insurance?
- Kan jag få en försäkring? (Can yaag foo ehn fur-sahc-reeng)
- stop on a street sign
- stanna vid ett vägmärke (stahna veed at vehgmahrca)
- blind alley
- återvändsgränd (ootahr-vahnds-grahnd)
- no parking
- parkering förbjuden (pahr-kehreeng fur-beeoo-dan)
- speed limit
- hastighetsbegränsning (haas-teeg-hehts-beh-graans-neeng)
- gas station
- bensinstation/mack (behnseenstaateeon/mac)
- petrol
- bensin (behnseen)
- diesel
- diesel (deesehl)
[editar]- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Jag har inte gjort något fel. (Yag haar eenta yoort noogoot fehl)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Det var ett missförstånd. (Dat vaar at mees-fur-stoond)
- Where are you taking me?
- Vart tar du mig? (Vaart taar doo may)
- Am I under arrest?
- Är jag arresterad? (Ehr yag arehstehrad)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Jag är amerikansk/australiensisk/brittisk/kanadensisk medborgare (Yag ehr americansc/aoostraaleeahnseesc/breeteesc/canahdehnseesc mehdbooryaareh)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Jag vill tala med det amerikanska/australiensiska/brittiska/kanadensiska konsulatet. (''Yag veel tahla mehd dat americansca/aoostraaleeahnseesca/breeteesca/canahdehnseesca cohn-soo-lah-tat )
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Jag vill tala med en advokat. (Yag veel tahla mad ehn ahdvoocaht)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- Kan jag betala böterna nu? (Can yaag betaala buternah noo?).
Like in most other Western countries, if you for some reason get to deal with the police, it would be utterly stupid to ask if they would accept a "fine" and let you go...
Swedish, please
Please note that the Swedish language has no exact match for the English word "please". This means that English-speaking visitors can be offended since Swedes in general tend to leave out the word in question when they speak English. This does not, however, mean that Swedes are rude, but the significance of the word "please" is usually put differently, either through a different sentence or by the tone of the voice. An example: An English-speaking person walks into a pub and says "May I have a pint of beer, please". A Swede in the same situation would use the phrase 'Kan jag få en öl, tack", i.e. "I would like to have a beer, thanks". |
Common signs
Protected crossing
Like many other languages spoken in several countries, there are a couple of differences in the vocabulary used in Sweden Swedish and Finland Swedish. For instance zebra crossing is called övergångsställe ("crossing place") in standard Swedish. However the Finland Swedes refer to it as skyddsväg ("protection way") which is a literal translation from Finnish. |