Version check
Designación de la versión en Wikidata: 2024-12-21
Este módulo está desactualizado/obsoleto
Esta documentación está transcluida desde Módulo:VCard/Params/doc.
Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas (crear) y en los casos de prueba (crear) del módulo.
Por favor, añade las categorías en la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de este módulo.
Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas (crear) y en los casos de prueba (crear) del módulo.
Por favor, añade las categorías en la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de este módulo.
This module contains the parameter tables and definitions. Do not modify this
module. The translated values are stored in Module:vCard/i18n.
Not all parameters given in the ParMap table can be used by authors. They are
only for internal usage and will not be shown in the output (for instance
booking). Parameters for internal usage will be generated by the program or
fetched from Wikidata.
-- module import
local vi = require( 'Module:VCard/i18n' ) -- additional vCard options
return {
-- administration
moduleInterface = {
suite = 'vCard',
sub = 'Params',
serial = '2024-07-31',
item = 65455743
-- complete table of parameters
-- true: get it from Wikidata in any case
-- for parameter translations see Module:VCard/i18n
ParMap = {
address = '',
addressLang = '',
addressLocal = '',
agoda = true, -- Agoda.com
alt = '',
auto = '',
before = '',
booking = true, -- Booking.com
checkin = '',
checkout = '',
color = '', -- internal use
comment = '',
commonscat = '',
content = '',
copyMarker = '',
country = '',
dav = true, -- Alpenverein.de
description = '',
directions = '',
directionsLocal = '',
email = '',
expedia = true, -- Expedia.com
facebook = '',
fax = '',
flickr = '',
foursquare = true, -- Foursquare.com
googlemaps = true, -- Maps.Google.com
group = '',
histhotelsAm = true, -- HistoricHotels.org
histhotelsEu = true, -- HistoricHotelsOfEurope.com
histhotelsWw = true, -- HistoricHotelsWorldwide.com
hostelworld = true, -- Hostelworld.com
hotels = true, -- Hotels.com
hours = '',
iata = vi.options.showIata,
icao = vi.options.showIcao,
image = true,
instagram = '',
kayak = true, -- Kayak.com
lastedit = '',
lat = '',
leadingHotels = true, -- LHW.com
long = '',
mapGroup = '',
mobile = '',
name = true,
nameExtra = '',
nameLatin = '',
nameLocal = '',
nameMap = '',
oeav = true, -- Alpenverein.at
payment = '',
phone = '',
preferredHotels = true, -- PreferredHotels.com
price = '',
pzs = true, -- PZS.si (Slovenia)
recreation = true, -- Recreation.gov
relaisChateaux = true, -- RelaisChateaux.com
rss = true, -- web feed
sac = true, -- SAC-CAS.ch
sectionFrom = '',
show = vi.options.defaultShow,
skype = '',
skyscanner = true, -- Skyscanner.com
stationNumber = true, -- Intl. station number
status = '',
styles = '',
subtype = '',
subtypeAdd = true, -- internal use
symbol = '', -- internal use
text = '', -- internal use
tiktok = '',
tollfree = '',
trip = true, -- Trip.com
tripadvisor = true, -- Tripadvisor.com
twitter = '',
type = '',
unesco = vi.options.showUnesco,
url = '',
useIcon = '', -- internal use
wikidata = '',
wikipedia = '', -- deprecated
youtube = '',
zoom = '',
date = '', -- for events
month = '',
year = '',
endDate = '',
endMonth = '',
endYear = '',
frequency = '',
location = ''
Wikidata properties and definitions for vCard parameters
p property or set of properties
f formatter string
c maximum count of results, default = 1
m concat mode (if c > 1), default concat with ', '
v value type,
empty: string value (i.e. default type),
id: string value of an id like Q1234567
idl: string value of the label of an id like Q1234567
il: language-dependent string value
iq: string value with qualifier ids
iqp: string value with qualifier ids, for comments in policies
au: quantity consisting of amount and unit
pau: quantity consisting of amount (for P8733)
vq: string or table value with qualifiers ids and references
q table of qualifiers allowed, for value type id
l = lang: language dependent
wiki / local: monolingual text by wiki or local language
le = true: use date for lastedit parameter
t = phone type (landline, mobile)
ParWD = {
agoda = { p = 'P6008' },
booking = { p = 'P3607' },
checkin = { p = 'P8745', v = 'idl' },
checkout = { p = 'P8746', v = 'idl' },
dav = { p = 'P5757' },
directions = { p = 'P2795', v = 'il', l = 'wiki' },
directionsLocal = { p = 'P2795', v = 'il', l = 'local' },
email = { p = 'P968', v = 'vq', c = 5 },
expedia = { p = 'P5651' },
facebook = { p = { { p = 'P2013', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/%s' }, -- Facebook username
{ p = 'P1997', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/%s' }, -- Facebook places ID
{ p = 'P4003', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/%s' }, -- Facebook page ID
{ p = 'P11705', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/%s' } } }, -- Facebook numeric ID
fax = { p = 'P2900', v = 'vq', c = 3 },
flickr = { p = 'P3267', f = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/%s' },
foursquare = { p = 'P1968' },
googlemaps = { p = 'P3749' },
histhotelsAm = { p = 'P5734' },
histhotelsEu = { p = 'P5774' },
histhotelsWw = { p = 'P5735' },
hostelworld = { p = 'P10442' },
hotels = { p = 'P3898' },
iata = { p = 'P238', c = 3 },
icao = { p = 'P239' },
image = { p = { { p = 'P18' },
{ p = 'P3451' }, -- nighttime view
{ p = 'P8592' }, -- aerial view
{ p = 'P5775' } } }, -- interior image
instagram = { p = { { p = 'P2003', f = 'https://www.instagram.com/%s/' },
{ p = 'P4173', f = 'https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/%s/' } } },
kayak = { p = 'P10547' },
leadingHotels = { p = 'P5834' },
mobile = { p = 'P1329', v = 'vq', c = 5, t = 'mobile' },
oeav = { p = 'P5759' },
payment = { p = 'P2851', v = 'id', c = 50, m = 'no' },
phone = { p = 'P1329', v = 'vq', c = 5, t = 'landline' },
preferredHotels = { p = 'P5890' },
price = { p = 'P2555', v = 'au', c = 10, le = true }, -- fee
pzs = { p = 'P5758' },
recreation = { p = 'P3714' },
relaisChateaux = { p = 'P5836' },
rss = { p = 'P1019' },
sac = { p = 'P5761' },
skype = { p = 'P2893', f = 'skype:%s', m = '; ' },
skyscanner = { p = 'P10487' },
stationNumber= { p = 'P954' }, -- intl station number
subtypeAdd = { p = { { p = 'P912', v = 'iq', c = 50 }, -- has facility
{ p = 'P166', v = 'iq', c = 5, q = { 'Q2976556', 'Q20824563' } },
-- awards received (hotel rating, Michelin etc.)
{ p = 'P10290', v = 'iq', c = 3 }, -- hotel rating
{ p = 'P8733', v = 'pau' }, -- number of rooms
{ p = 'P2012', v = 'iq', c = 50 }, -- cuisine
{ p = 'P2846', v = 'iq' }, -- wheelchair
{ p = 'P2848', v = 'iq' }, -- WLAN
{ p = 'P5023', v = 'iqp', c = 10 } }, c = 100, m = 'no' }, -- activity policies
tiktok = { p = { { p = 'P7085', f = 'https://www.tiktok.com/@%s' }, -- TikTok username
{ p = 'P11559', f = 'https://www.tiktok.com/place/_-%s' } } }, -- TikTok place ID
trip = { p = 'P10425' },
tripadvisor = { p = 'P3134' },
twitter = { p = 'P2002', f = 'https://twitter.com/%s' },
unesco = { p = { { 'P757' }, -- World Heritage Site ID
{ p = 'P2614', v = 'id' } } }, -- World Heritage criteria
url = { p = 'P856', l = 'lang' },
youtube = { p = { { p = 'P11245', f = 'https://www.youtube.com/@%s' }, -- Youtube channel @ alias
{ 'P2397', f = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/%s' } } } -- Youtube channel
-- additional parameters for auto = y
ParWDAdd = {
address = 1,
addressLocal = 1,
directions = 1,
directionsLocal = 1,
hours = 1,
nameLocal = 1
-- parameters to save in vCard wrapper tag
vcardData = {
addressLang = 'data-address-lang', -- language of address
addressLocal = 'data-address-local',
color = 'data-color',
commonscat = 'data-commonscat',
directionsLocal = 'data-directions-local',
group = 'data-group',
groupTranslated = 'data-group-translated', -- for MapTools.js
image = 'data-image',
mapGroup = 'data-map-group',
nameLocal = 'data-name-local',
rss = 'data-rss',
subtype = 'data-subtype',
symbol = 'data-symbol',
type = 'data-type',
url = 'data-url',
wikidata = 'data-wikidata',
agoda = 'data-agoda-com',
booking = 'data-booking-com',
dav = 'data-alpenverein-de',
expedia = 'data-expedia-com',
foursquare = 'data-foursquare-id',
googlemaps = 'data-google-maps-cid',
histhotelsAm = 'data-historic-hotels-america',
histhotelsEu = 'data-historic-hotels-europe',
histhotelsWw = 'data-historic-hotels-worldwide',
hostelworld = 'data-hostelworld-com',
hotels = 'data-hotels-com',
kayak = 'data-kayak-com',
leadingHotels = 'data-leading-hotels',
oeav = 'data-alpenverein-at',
preferredHotels = 'data-preferred-hotels',
pzs = 'data-pzs-si',
recreation = 'data-recreation-gov',
relaisChateaux = 'data-relais-chateaux',
sac = 'data-sac-cas-ch',
sectionFrom = 'data-section-from',
skyscanner = 'data-skyscanner-com',
stationNumber = 'data-station-number',
trip = 'data-trip-com',
tripadvisor = 'data-tripadvisor-com'
-- check if event
checkEvent = { 'date', 'month', 'year', 'endDate', 'endMonth', 'endYear',
'frequency', 'location' },
-- prevent local data if wiki language == country language
localData = { 'nameLocal', 'addressLocal', 'directionsLocal' },
-- phone numbers for fetching country data
phones = { 'phone', 'fax', 'mobile', 'tollfree' },
-- possible values for show parameter
show = {
all = 1,
coord = 1,
copy = 1,
inline = 1,
noairport = 1,
none = 1,
noperiod = 1,
nositelinks = 1,
nosocialmedia = 1,
nosubtype = 1,
nowdsubtype = 1,
outdent = 1,
poi = 1,
symbol = 1,
wikilink = 1