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This module provides possible classifications and facilities to describe hotels, restaurants and more in the VCard template. The template shows only the subtypes that are listet in this module.

Version check

Designación de la versión en Wikidata: 2025-02-08 Contra Este módulo está desactualizado/obsoleto


The Labels often contain substrings in square brackets. These are used to distinguish between singular and plural. There can be two values separated by a pipe symbol.The first is plural, the second singular.

  • […] plural only,
  • […|…] plural and singular,
  • [|…] singular only (emty string for plural),
  • [] shows that plural and singular are necessary, but they are identical. Strings with missing [] can not be used with numbered values.

examples (currently German, please provide some Spanish examples):

  • Parkpl[ä|a]tz[e]: Singular: Parkplatz, Plural: Parkplätze,
  • S[ä|aa]l[e]: Singular: Saal, Plural: Säle,
  • Theater[]: Singular: Theater, Plural: Theater.
Esta documentación está transcluida desde Módulo:VCard/Subtypes/doc.
Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas (crear) y en los casos de prueba (crear) del módulo.
Por favor, añade las categorías en la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de este módulo.

-- empty strings should be filled with icons
-- please use only quotation marks instead of apostrophs for JSON export

return {
	-- administration
	moduleInterface = {
		suite  = 'vCard',
		sub    = 'Subtypes',
		serial = '2024-05-21',
		item   = 65455756

	firstGroup = 2,            -- first group to display
	fromWDGroupNumber = 98,    -- group number for Q... types from Wikidata
	fromTypesGroupNumber = 99, -- group number for types from types table

	-- subtype conversion
	convert = {
		hotelstars = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }, -- hotel stars codes
		michelin   = { "michelin1", "michelin2", "michelin3" }

	-- type list

	f = {
		-- classification, rating. Group 1 is usually not displayed
		budget     = { g = 1, wd =          "", n = "Barato" },
		midrange   = { g = 1, wd =          "", n = "Medio" },
		upmarket   = { g = 1, wd =          "", n = "Costoso" },

		-- hotel rating
		hotelstars = { g = 2, wd =  "Q2976556", n = "Estrella[s] del hotel" }, -- see: convert

		-- Upto now it seems that there is no font containing the left black half star
		-- (u+2BE8): ⯨. That's why now the ½ workaround. 

		["1"]      = { g = 2, wd ="Q110772650", sortkey =  "01*", n = "★", t = "Calificación de 1 estrella" },  -- tourist
		["1h"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q110932985", sortkey = "01*5", n = "★½", t = "Calificación de 1,5 estrellas" }, -- superior tourist (tourist plus)
		["1s"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q109726413", sortkey = "01*S", n = "★S", t = "Calificación superior de 1 estrella" }, -- superior tourist (tourist plus)
		["2"]      = { g = 2, wd ="Q110772651", sortkey =  "02*", n = "★★", t = "Calificación de 2 estrellas" }, -- standard
		["2h"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q110932986", sortkey = "02*5", n = "★★½", t = "Calificación de 2,5 estrellas" }, -- superior standard
		["2s"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q109726348", sortkey = "02*S", n = "★★S", t = "Calificación superior de 2 estrellas" }, -- superior standard
		["3"]      = { g = 2, wd ="Q110772652", sortkey =  "03*", n = "★★★", t = "Calificación de 3 estrellas" },  -- comfort
		["3h"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q110932987", sortkey = "03*5", n = "★★★½", t = "Calificación de 3,5 estrellas" },  -- superior comfort
		["3s"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q109726284", sortkey = "03*S", n = "★★★S", t = "Calificación superior de 3 estrellas" }, -- superior comfort
		["4"]      = { g = 2, wd ={ "Q110772653", "Q99309708" }, sortkey =  "04*", n = "★★★★", t = "Calificación de 4 estrellas" },  -- first class
		["4h"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q110932988", sortkey = "04*5", n = "★★★★½", t = "Calificación de 4,5 estrellas" }, -- superior first class
		["4s"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q109726210", sortkey = "04*S", n = "★★★★S", t = "Calificación superior de 4 estrellas" }, -- superior first class
		["5"]      = { g = 2, wd ={ "Q109248725", "Q109248724" }, sortkey =  "05*", n = "★★★★★", t = "Calificación de 5 estrellas" },  -- luxury
		["5s"]     = { g = 2, wd ="Q109726138", sortkey = "05*S", n = "★★★★★S", t = "Calificación superior de 5 estrellas" }, -- superior luxury

		-- Michelin awards to restaurant chefs
		michelin   = { g = 2, wd = "Q20824563", n = "Estrella[s] Michelin" },

		michelin1  = { g = 2, wd =          "", n = "Michelin 1*", f = "Etoile Michelin-1.svg", c = 1 },
		michelin2  = { g = 2, wd =          "", n = "Michelin 2*", f = "Etoile Michelin-1.svg", c = 2 },
		michelin3  = { g = 2, wd =          "", n = "Michelin 3*", f = "Etoile Michelin-1.svg", c = 3 },

		-- subtypes from subtype parameter in types table

		bnb        = { g = 3, wd =   "Q367914", n = "Bed & Breakfast" },
		boarding_house = { g = 3, wd = { "Q1558858", "Q1065252" }, n = "Pension" },
		hotel_garni= { g = 3, wd =  "Q1631103", n = "Garni" },

		-- general facilities

		accessible = { g = 4, wd =   "Q808926", n = "Accesible" }, -- barrier-free, for handicapped people
		ai         = { g = 4, wd =  "Q1281666", n = "Todo incluido" },
		basement_garage = { g = 4, wd =  "Q2431970", n = "Garaje del sótano" },
		car_park   = { g = 4, wd = "Q13218805", n = "Aparcamiento" },
		free_wlan  = { g = 4, wd =  "Q1543615", n = "Wifi gratis" },
		garage     = { g = 4, wd =    "Q22733", n = "Garaje[s]" },
		induction_loop = { g = 4, wd =  "Q2163913", n = "Detector[es] de bucle de inducción" },
		internet_access = { g = 4, wd = "Q1472399", n = "Acceso a Internet" }, -- unknown type or both lan and wlan
		lan        = { g = 4, wd =    "Q11381", n = "Internet" },
		lgbt       = { g = 4, wd =    "Q17884", n = "LGBT", f = "Gay flag.svg" }, -- including gay
		nobreakfast= { g = 4, wd ="Q106041208", n = "Sin desayuno" },
		nowheelchair = { g = 4, wd = "Q24192069", n = "No se puede acceder en silla de ruedas", f = "Wheelchair-red3.png" },
		nowlan     = { g = 4, wd =  "Q1814990", n = "Sin wifi" }, -- no
		paid_wlan  = { g = 4, wd = "Q24202480", n = "Wifi de pago" },
		parking    = { g = 4, wd =  "Q6501349", n = "Aparcamiento[s]" },
		tactile_graphic = { g = 4, wd =  "Q7674130", n = "gráfico[s] ciego" },
		valet_parking = { g = 4, wd =  "Q1423019", n = "Servicio de aparcacoches" },
		withbreakfast = { g = 4, wd ="Q106041297", n = "Con desayuno" },
		wheelchair = { g = 4, wd = "Q24192067", n = "Acceso en silla de ruedas", f = "Wheelchair-green3.png" },
		wheelchair_available = { g = 4, wd =   "Q191931", n = "Silla de ruedas disponible" },
		wheelchair_with_help = { g = 4, wd = "Q24192068", n = "Acceso en silla de ruedas con asistencia", f = "Wheelchair-yellow3.png" },
		wheelchair_partially = { g = 4, wd = "Q63731120", n = "Acceso parcial en silla de ruedas" },
		wheelchair_partially_with_help = { g = 4, wd = "Q63731151", n = "Acceso parcial en silla de ruedas con asistencia" },
		wlan       = { g = 4, wd = { "Q6452715", "Q29643" }, n = "Wifi" }, -- yes

		-- hotel facilities

		adult_pool = { g = 5, wd =          "", n = "Pisicina[s] para adultos" },
		airport_transfer_service = { g = 5, wd ="Q110012299", n = "Servicio de traslado al aeropuerto" },
		atm        = { g = 5, wd =    "Q81235", n = "Cajero[s] automático[s], ATM[s]" },
		ballroom   = { g = 5, wd =   "Q805353", n = "Salon[es] de baile[s]" },
		babysitter = { g = 5, wd = "Q45181247", n = "Niñera" },
		bank       = { g = 5, wd =    "Q22687", n = "Banco[s]" },
		banquet_room = { g = 5, wd = "Q85833489", n = "Sala[s] de banquete[s]" },
		bar        = { g = 5, wd =   "Q187456", n = "Bar[es]" },
		beach      = { g = 5, wd =    "Q40080", n = "Playa[s]" },
		bed        = { g = 5, wd =    "Q42177", n = "Cama[s]" },
		bicycle_stand = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1392526", n = "Soporte[s] para bicicleta[s]" },
		bike_rental= { g = 5, wd = "Q10611118", n = "Alquiler de bicicleta[s]" },
		business   = { g = 5, wd =   "Q203180", n = "División comercial" },
		buy        = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1369832", n = "Compras" },
		cabana     = { g = 5, wd =  "Q3649129", n = "Cabaña[s]" },
		cafe       = { g = 5, wd =    "Q30022", n = "Café[s]" },
		casino     = { g = 5, wd =   "Q133215", n = "Casino[s]" },
		change_machine = { g = 5, wd =  "Q5071849", n = "Máquina[s] de cambio" },
		cinema     = { g = 5, wd =    "Q41253", n = "Cine[s]" },
		cloakroom  = { g = 5, wd =   "Q965173", n = "Guardarropa[s]" },
		conference = { g = 5, wd = { "Q625994", "Q1207465" }, n = "Conferencia[s]" },
		currency_exchange = { g = 5, wd =  "Q2002539", n = "Cambio de divisas" },
		dance_hall = { g = 5, wd ="Q121085156", n = "Sala[s] de baile" },
		diving     = { g = 5, wd =   "Q179643", n = "Centro[s] de buceo" },
		family_room= { g = 5, wd =  "Q5433389", n = "Sala[s] de estar" },
		fitness_center = { g = 5, wd = { "Q1065656", "Q30750411" }, n = "Gimnasio[s]" }, -- including gym, healthclub
		games_room = { g = 5, wd =          "", n = "Sala[s] de juegos" },
		garden     = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1107656", n = "Jardín" },
		golf       = { g = 5, wd = { "Q5377", "Q1048525", "Q3177122" }, n = "Golf, Curso[s] de golf" },
		gym        = { g = 5, wd = { "Q14092", "Q203609", "Q121085159" }, n = "Gimnasio[s]" },
		indoorpool = { g = 5, wd =   "Q357380", n = "Piscina[s] cubierta[s]" },
		kidsclub   = { g = 5, wd = "Q16255832", n = "Club de niño[s]" },
		kiting     = { g = 5, wd =   "Q219554", n = "Cometa" },
		library    = { g = 5, wd =     "Q7075", n = "Librería[s]" },
		lift       = { g = 5, wd =   "Q132911", n = "Acensor[es], Elevador[es]" },
		lobby      = { g = 5, wd =    "Q31948", n = "Vestíbulo[s]" },
		luggage_storage = { g = 5, wd = { "Q1195470", "Q21996814" }, n = "Maletero[s]" },
		money_exchange_machine = { g = 5, wd = "Q25632829", n = "Cambistas" },
		meeting    = { g = 5, wd =  "Q3469909", n = "Sala de reuniones[]" }, -- meeting rooms
		minigolf   = { g = 5, wd =   "Q754796", n = "Minigolf" },
		nightclub  = { g = 5, wd =   "Q622425", n = "Club[es] nocturno[s]" },
		playground = { g = 5, wd = "Q11875349", n = "Parque[s] infantil[es]" },
		pool       = { g = 5, wd = { "Q1501", "Q118559330" }, n = "Piscina[s]" },
		reception  = { g = 5, wd =  "Q2794937", alias = "service_counter", n = "Recepción[es]" },
		restaurant = { g = 5, wd =    "Q11707", n = "Restaurant[es]" },
		roof_garden= { g = 5, wd =  "Q1156696", n = "Jardín[es] de techo" },
		roof_terrace= { g = 5, wd =  "Q1081213", n = "Azotea[s]" },
		room       = { g = 5, wd =   "Q180516", n = "Habitación[]" },
		sauna      = { g = 5, wd =    "Q57036", n = "Sauna[s]" },
		socket_near_bed = { g = 5, wd ="Q110073378", n = "Enchufe cerca de la cama" },
		shop       = { g = 5, wd =   "Q213441", n = "Tienda[s]" },
		souvenir_shop = { g = 5, wd =   "Q865693", n = "Tienda[s] de recuerdos" },
		spa        = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1341387", alias = "wellness_center", n = "Centro de bienestar[], Spa[s]" },
		sports     = { g = 5, wd =      "Q349", n = "Deporte[s]" },
		suite      = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1367530", n = "Suite[s]" },
		surfing    = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1324499", n = "Surfing" },
		tennis     = { g = 5, wd =      "Q847", n = "Tenis" },
		tennis_court = { g = 5, wd = "Q741118", n = "Cancha[s] de tenis" },
		theater    = { g = 5, wd =    "Q24354", n = "Teatro[]" },
		warm_water = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1419245", n = "Agua tibia" },
		wave_pool  = { g = 5, wd =   "Q827349", n = "Piscina[s] de ola[s]" },

		-- non-hotel facilities

		audioguide = { g = 5, wd =   "Q758877", n = "Audioguía[s]" },
		cctv       = { g = 5, wd =   "Q242256", n = "Circuito cerrado de televisión" },
		communal_bunks = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1628935", n = "Literas comunes" },
		educational_workshop = { g = 5, wd ="Q113484895", n = "taller[es] educativo[s]" },
		guidebook  = { g = 5, wd =   "Q223638", n = "Guía[s] turística[s]" },
		lecture_hall = { g = 5, wd =   "Q253275", n = "Anfiteatro[s]" },
		lighting   = { g = 5, wd =   "Q210064", n = "Iluminación" },
		museum_shop= { g = 5, wd =  "Q2922607", n = "Tienda del museo" },
		organ      = { g = 5, wd =     "Q1444", n = "Órgano[s]" },
		rest_area  = { g = 5, wd = { "Q47520603", "Q785979" }, alias = "picnic_site", n = "Área[s] de pícnic, Área[s] de descanso" },
		reading_room = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1753764", n = "Sala[s] de lectura" },
		shakedown  = { g = 5, wd = "Q40415224", n = "Alojamiento[s] de emergencia[s]" },
		school_meal= { g = 5, wd =  "Q1195832", n = "Comidas del colegio" },
		winter_room= { g = 5, wd =   "Q382899", n = "Sala[s] de invierno" },

		-- services in hotels etc.

		["24-hour_reception"] = { g = 6, wd =          "", n = "Recepción las 24 horas del día" },
		accessible_toilet = { g = 6, wd =  "Q2775009", n = "Baño[s] accesible[s]" },
		airport_shuttle   = { g = 6, wd =          "", n = "Transporte al aeropuerto" },
		airport_terminal  = { g = 6, wd =   "Q849706", n = "Terminal de aeropuerto[s]" },
		airport_transportation = { g = 6, wd =          "", n = "Transporte en el aeropuerto" },
		animation         = { g = 6, wd =   "Q547762", n = "Animación" },
		baby_change       = { g = 6, wd =  "Q2567605", n = "Vestuario[s] para bebes" },
		babysitting       = { g = 6, wd =   "Q797990", n = "Niñera" },
		beauty_service    = { g = 6, wd = "Q30303305", n = "Servicio de belleza" },
		bicycle           = { g = 6, wd =    "Q11442", n = "Bicicleta" },
		breakfast         = { g = 6, wd =    "Q80973", n = "Desayuno" },
		breakfast_buffet  = { g = 6, wd =          "", n = "Desayuno buffet" },
		breakfast_included= { g = 6, wd =          "", n = "Desayuno incluido" },
		bus_stop          = { g = 6, wd =   "Q953806", n = "Parada de autobus[es]" },
		car_hire          = { g = 6, wd =   "Q291240", n = "Alquiler de coche[s]" },
		changing_table    = { g = 6, wd =  "Q1780834", n = "Cambiador[es]" },
		concierge         = { g = 6, wd =  "Q2664461", n = "Conserje" },
		discotheque       = { g = 6, wd =  "Q1228895", n = "Discoteca[s]" },
		dry_cleaning      = { g = 6, wd =   "Q878156", n = "Lavado en seco" },
		entertainment     = { g = 6, wd =   "Q173799", n = "Entretenimiento" },
		free_parking      = { g = 6, wd ="Q108759647", n = "Aparcamiento[s] gratuito[s]" },
		gate              = { g = 6, wd =   "Q247739", n = "Muelle[s]" },
		hairdresser       = { g = 6, wd = { "Q55187", "Q95856773", "Q3062512" }, n = "Peluquero[s]" },
		laundry           = { g = 6, wd = { "Q267734", "Q7223085", "Q12893467", "Q57261433" }, n = "Lavandería[s]" },
		live_music        = { g = 6, wd ="Q100348587", n = "Música en vivo" },
		massage           = { g = 6, wd =   "Q179415", n = "Masaje[s]" },
		multilingual_staff= { g = 6, wd =    "Q30081", n = "Personal multilingüe" },
		newspaper         = { g = 6, wd =    "Q11032", n = "Períodico" },
		post_office       = { g = 6, wd =    "Q35054", n = "Oficina[s] postal[es]" },
		public_toilet     = { g = 6, wd = { "Q813966", "Q3472280" }, n = "Baño[s] público[s]" },
		railroad_police   = { g = 6, wd =  "Q1930355", n = "Policía ferroviaria" },
		room_service      = { g = 6, wd =  "Q2048970", n = "Servicio de habitación" },
		selflaundry       = { g = 6, wd =  "Q1143034", n = "Autolavado[s]" },
		shuttle_bus       = { g = 6, wd =  "Q1368498", n = "Autobús de enlace" },
		taxicab_stand     = { g = 6, wd = { "Q82650", "Q1395196" }, n = "Parada[s] de taxi[s]" },
		ticket_machine    = { g = 6, wd =   "Q657345", n = "Máquina expendedora de billete[s]" },
		ticket_office     = { g = 6, wd = "Q56845288", n = "Taquilla[]" },
		toilet            = { g = 6, wd = { "Q7857", "Q97657740" }, n = "Inodoro[]" },
		urinal            = { g = 6, wd = { "Q152285", "Q97657738" }, n = "Urinario[s]" },
		wc                = { g = 6, wd =  "Q7813355", n = "Baño[s]" },
		workshop          = { g = 6, wd =   "Q656720", n = "Taller[es]" },

		-- room facilities

		ac         = { g = 7, wd =   "Q173725", n = "Aire acondicionado" },
		air_condition = { g = 5, wd =  "Q1265533", n = "Aire[s] acondicionado[s]" },
		balcony    = { g = 7, wd =   "Q170552", n = "Balcon[es]" },
		bathroom   = { g = 7, wd =   "Q190771", n = "Baño[]" },
		bathtub    = { g = 7, wd =   "Q152095", n = "Bañera[s]" },
		bottle_warmer = { g = 7, wd = "Q56711128", n = "Calientabiberón[es]" },
		coffeemaker= { g = 7, wd =   "Q211841", n = "Cafetera[s]" },
		commonbath = { g = 7, wd =          "", n = "Baño[s] compartido[s]" }, -- Gemeinschaftsbad
		fan        = { g = 7, wd =  "Q6498398", n = "Ventilador[es]" },
		fridge     = { g = 7, wd =    "Q37828", n = "Nevera[s]" },
		grab_rail  = { g = 7, wd =          "", n = "Asa[s] de agarre" },
		hairdryer  = { g = 7, wd =    "Q15004", n = "Secador de pelo[s]" },
		jacuzzi    = { g = 7, wd =  "Q1936429", n = "Jacuzzi[s]" }, -- incl. hot tub
		kitchen    = { g = 7, wd =    "Q43164", n = "Cocina[s]" }, -- usable for guest, usually in the room
		minibar    = { g = 7, wd =  "Q1191522", n = "Minibare[s]" },
		phone      = { g = 7, wd =    "Q11035", n = "Teléfono[s]" },
		safe       = { g = 7, wd =   "Q471898", n = "Seguro[s]" },
		shower     = { g = 7, wd =     "Q7863", n = "Ducha[s]" },
		terrace    = { g = 7, wd =   "Q641406", n = "Terraza[s]" },
		tv         = { g = 7, wd =     "Q8075", n = "Televisión[], TV" },

		-- cuisine by ethnicity

		african    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q386284", n = "Cocina africana" },
		american   = { g = 8, wd =    "Q40578", n = "Cocina americana" },
		arab       = { g = 8, wd =   "Q623970", n = "Cocina árabe" },
		argentinian= { g = 8, wd =   "Q579500", n = "Cocina argentina" },
		asian      = { g = 8, wd =   "Q728206", n = "Cocina asiática" },
		australian = { g = 8, wd =   "Q783010", n = "Cocina australiana" },
		balkan     = { g = 8, wd =   "Q805060", n = "Cocina balcánica" },
		basque     = { g = 8, wd =   "Q521179", n = "Cocina vasca" },
		bavarian   = { g = 8, wd =   "Q458851", n = "Cocina bávara" },
		bolivian   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q3006895", n = "Cocina boliviana" },
		brazilian  = { g = 8, wd =   "Q614394", n = "Cocina brasileña" },
		burmese    = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1187275", n = "Cocina birmana" },
		californian= { g = 8, wd =  "Q1026802", n = "Cocina californiana" },
		cambodian  = { g = 8, wd =   "Q139430", n = "Cocina camboyana" },
		cantonese  = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1154790", n = "Cocina cantonesa" },
		caribbean  = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1729345", n = "Cocina caribeña" },
		chinese    = { g = 8, wd = "Q10876842", n = "Cocina china" },
		croatian   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1789628", n = "Cocina croata" },
		cypriot    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q245932", n = "Cocina chipriota" },
		czech      = { g = 8, wd =   "Q871595", n = "Cocina checa" },
		danish     = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1196267", n = "Cocina danesa" },
		egyptian   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1346230", n = "Cocina egipcia" },
		english    = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1261477", n = "Cocina inglesa" },
		ethiopian  = { g = 8, wd =   "Q257508", n = "Cocina etíope" },
		european   = { g = 8, wd =   "Q579316", n = "Cocina europea" },
		french     = { g = 8, wd =     "Q6661", n = "Cocina francesa" },
		fucha_ryori= { g = 8, wd = "Q10286142", n = "Fucha Ryōri" },
		georgian   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1199026", n = "Cocina georgiana" },
		german     = { g = 8, wd =    "Q47629", n = "Cocina alemana" },
		greek      = { g = 8, wd =   "Q744027", n = "Cocina griega" },
		home_style = { g = 8, wd =   "Q881929", n = "Cocina simple" },
		hunan      = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1156889", n = "Cocina hunan" },
		hungarian  = { g = 8, wd =   "Q264327", n = "Cocina húngara" },
		indian     = { g = 8, wd =   "Q192087", n = "Cocina hindú" },
		indonesian = { g = 8, wd =   "Q787497", n = "Cocina indonesia" },
		international = { g = 8, wd = "Q99522230", n = "Cocina internacional" },
		iranian    = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1342397", n = "Comida iraní" },
		irish      = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1068545", n = "Cocina irlandesa" },
		italian    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q192786", n = "Cocina italiana" },
		japanese   = { g = 8, wd =   "Q234138", n = "Cocina japonesa" },
		korean     = { g = 8, wd =   "Q647500", n = "Comida coreana" },
		latin_american = { g = 8, wd =  "Q2707196", n = "Cocina latinoamericana" },
		lebanese   = { g = 8, wd =   "Q929239", n = "Cocina libanesa" },
		levantine  = { g = 8, wd =   "Q765174", n = "Cocina levantina" },
		malaysian  = { g = 8, wd =   "Q772247", n = "Comida malaya" },
		medieval   = { g = 8, wd =    "Q10886", n = "Cocina Medieval" },
		mediterranean = { g = 8, wd =   "Q934309", n = "Cocina mediterránea" },
		mexican    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q207965", n = "Cocina mexicana" },
		national   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1968435", n = "Cocina nacional" },
		nepalese   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1194855", n = "Cocina nepalí" },
		new_nordic = { g = 8, wd =  "Q3345199", n = "Nueva cocina nórdica" },
		nubian     = { g = 8, wd ="Q113827054", n = "Cocina nubia" },
		oriental   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1547037", n = "Cocina oriental" },
		pakistani  = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1089120", n = "Cocina pakistaní" },
		peruvian   = { g = 8, wd =   "Q749847", n = "Cocina peruana" },
		polish     = { g = 8, wd =   "Q756020", n = "Cocina polaca" },
		portuguese = { g = 8, wd =   "Q180817", n = "Cocina portuguesa" },
		regional   = { g = 8, wd =    "Q94951", n = "Cocina regional" },
		rhenish    = { g = 8, wd =  "Q2147761", n = "Cocina renana" },
		russian    = { g = 8, wd =    "Q12505", n = "Cocina rusa" },
		shandong   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1038209", n = "Cocina de Shadong" },
		sichuan    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q691365", n = "Cocina de Sichuan" },
		south_indian= { g = 8, wd =  "Q3595152", n = "Cocina del sur de la india" },
		spanish    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q622512", n = "Cocina española" },
		swedish    = { g = 8, wd =    "Q35623", n = "Cocina sueca" },
		swiss      = { g = 8, wd =    "Q13497", n = "Comida suiza" },
		swabian    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q880365", n = "Cocina suaba" },
		thai       = { g = 8, wd =   "Q841984", n = "Cocina tailandesa" },
		thuringian = { g = 8, wd =   "Q187477", n = "Cocina de Turingia" },
		turkish    = { g = 8, wd =   "Q654493", n = "Cocina turca" },
		vietnamese = { g = 8, wd =   "Q826059", n = "Cocina vietnamita" },
		ukranian   = { g = 8, wd =  "Q1503789", n = "Cocina ucraniana" },
		western    = { g = 8, wd = "Q16143746", n = "Cocina occidental" },
		westphalian= { g = 8, wd =  "Q2565249", n = "Cocina de Westfalia" },

		-- cuisine by type of food

		bagel      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q272502", n = "Bagel" },
		barbecue   = { g = 9, wd =   "Q461696", n = "Barbacoa, Barbecue, BBQ" },
		bougatsa   = { g = 9, wd =   "Q895009", n = "Bougatsa" },
		burger     = { g = 9, wd =     "Q6663", n = "Hamburguesa" },
		cake       = { g = 9, wd =    "Q13276", n = "Pastel" },
		casserole  = { g = 9, wd =  "Q7724780", n = "Cacerola" },
		chicken    = { g = 9, wd =   "Q864693", n = "Pollo" },
		crepe      = { g = 9, wd =    "Q12200", n = "Crepe" },
		couscous   = { g = 9, wd =    "Q76605", n = "Cuscús" },
		curry      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q164606", n = "Curry, Curri" },
		dessert    = { g = 9, wd =   "Q182940", n = "Postre, Dulce" },
		donut      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q192783", n = "Dona" },
		empanada   = { g = 9, wd =   "Q747457", n = "Empanada" },
		fish       = { g = 9, wd =      "Q152", n = "Pez" },
		fish_and_chips = { g = 9, wd =   "Q203925", n = "Pescado y patatas fritas" },
		fried_food = { g = 9, wd =   "Q300472", n = "Asado" },
		friture    = { g = 9, wd =   "Q854618", n = "Fritura" },
		grill      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q853185", n = "Grill" },
		gyros      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q681596", n = "Gyros" },
		ice_cream  = { g = 9, wd =    "Q13233", n = "Helado" },
		kebab      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q179010", n = "Kebab" },
		noodle     = { g = 9, wd =   "Q192874", n = "Fideos" },
		pancake    = { g = 9, wd =    "Q44541", n = "Panqueques" },
		pasta      = { g = 9, wd =      "Q178", n = "Pasta" },
		pie        = { g = 9, wd = "Q13360264", n = "Pie, Pay" },
		pizza      = { g = 9, wd =      "Q177", n = "Pizza" },
		salad      = { g = 9, wd =     "Q9266", n = "Ensalada" },
		sandwich   = { g = 9, wd =    "Q28803", n = "Sándwich" },
		sausage    = { g = 9, wd =   "Q131419", n = "Salchichas, embutidos" },
		seafood    = { g = 9, wd =   "Q192935", n = "Mariscos, pescados" },
		soup       = { g = 9, wd =    "Q41415", n = "Sopa" },
		steakhouse = { g = 9, wd =  "Q3109696", n = "Asador" },
		sushi      = { g = 9, wd =    "Q46383", n = "Sushi" },
		tapas      = { g = 9, wd =   "Q220964", n = "Tapa, Tapas" },
		vegan      = { g = 9, wd = { "Q181138", "Q20669090" }, n = "Vegano" },
		vegetarian = { g = 9, wd = { "Q83364", "Q638022" }, n = "Vegetariano" },
		wild_game  = { g = 9, wd =   "Q223930", n = "Caza silvestre" },

		-- drinks

		alcoholic  = { g = 10, wd =      "Q154", n = "Bebidas alcoholicas" },
		beer       = { g = 10, wd =       "Q44", n = "Cerveza" },
		cocktails  = { g = 10, wd =   "Q134768", n = "Cócteles" },
		["non-alcoholic"] = { g = 10, wd =  "Q2647467", n = "Bebidas no alcohólicas" },
		noalcoholic= { g = 10, wd = "Q67426650", n = "No hay bebidas alcohólicas" },
		wine       = { g = 10, wd =      "Q282", n = "Vino" },
		-- services in restaurants

		beer_garden   = { g = 11, wd =   "Q857909", n = "Jardín de la cerveza" },
		bowling_alley = { g = 11, wd = "Q27106471", n = "Bolera[s]" },
		delivery      = { g = 11, wd = { "Q2334804", "Q1824143" }, n = "Delivery" },
		drive_in      = { g = 11, wd = "Q14253958", n = "Drive-in" },
		drive_through = { g = 11, wd = "Q14253958", n = "Drive-through" }, -- including drive-thru
		outdoor_seating = { g = 11, wd = "Q98642678", n = "Asientos al aire libre" },
		reservation   = { g = 11, wd = { "Q2145615", "Q7673285" }, n = "Reserva" },
		self_service  = { g = 11, wd =  "Q1369310", n = "Autoservicio" },
		table_service = { g = 11, wd ="Q100805023", n = "servicio de mesa" },
		takeaway      = { g = 11, wd =   "Q154383", n = "Para llevar" }, -- including "take-out", "to-go", and "carry-out"

		-- activity policies (P5023)

		-- photography
		noflash       = { g = 12, wd = "Q51728726", n = "Sin flash" },
		nophotos      = { g = 12, wd = "Q51728721", n = "Se prohíbe fotografiar" },
		nosticks      = { g = 12, wd = "Q53540617", n = "Prohibidos los palos de selfie" },
		notripod      = { g = 12, wd ="Q108583523", n = "no trípode" },
		novideo       = { g = 12, wd = "Q66361451", n = "Videografía prohibida" },
		permit_for_commercial_photography = { g = 12, wd ="Q113756144", n = "Permiso requerido para fotografía comercial" },
		photos_allowed= { g = 12, wd = "Q51728733", n = "Se permite fotografiar" },

		-- general policies
		animals       = { g = 13, wd ="Q105100898", n = "Se admiten animales" },
		bags_prohibited = { g = 13, wd ="Q113773766", n = "Bolsas grandes prohibidas" },
		cats          = { g = 13, wd ="Q105100905", n = "Se admiten gatos" },
		companion_dogs= { g = 13, wd ="Q116343464", n = "Se admiten perros de servicio" },
		dogs          = { g = 13, wd ="Q105100922", n = "Se admiten perros" },
		drinking_ban  = { g = 13, wd ="Q111986775", n = "Prohibición de beber" },
		eating_ban    = { g = 13, wd ="Q116343890", n = "Prohibición de comer" },
		face_mask_mandatory = { g = 13, wd = "Q97933005", n = "Tapabocas obligatorio" },
		leashed_dogs  = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361287", n = "Perros con correa" },
		noanimals     = { g = 13, wd ="Q105094093", n = "Animales prohibidos" },
		nocamping     = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361437", n = "Prohibido acampar" },
		nocats        = { g = 13, wd ="Q105094244", n = "Gatos prohibidos" },
		nodogs        = { g = 13, wd ="Q105094236", n = "Perros prohibidos" },
		nodrones      = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361435", n = "Prohibición de drones" },
		nofeeding     = { g = 13, wd =  "Q5286412", n = "Está prohibido alimentar a los animales" },
		nohighheels   = { g = 13, wd ="Q123013492", n = "Prohibidos los tacones altos" },
		nokids        = { g = 13, wd = "Q24861437", n = "Sin niños" },
		nolittering   = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361444", n = "Prohibido tirar basura" },
		noloudly      = { g = 13, wd ="Q111986810", n = "Prohibido hablar en voz alta" },
		nonsmoking    = { g = 13, wd =          "", n = "No fumadores" },
		nopets        = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361297", n = "Prohibidas las mascotas" },
		notouch       = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361307", n = "No tocar" },
		pets          = { g = 13, wd = "Q66361299", n = "Se admiten mascotas" },
		smoking       = { g = 13, wd = "Q18809854", n = "Fumador" },
		smoking_ban   = { g = 13, wd =   "Q751734", n = "Prohibido fumar" },
		smoking_separated= { g = 13, wd ="Q110090224", n = "Fumar en lugares separados" },

		-- dress codes:
		smart_casual  = { g = 13, wd =  "Q7544032", n = "Smart casual" },

		-- difficulties (routes etc.)

		novice        = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Principiante" },
		easy          = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Fácil" },
		intermediate  = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Intermedio" },
		advanced      = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Avanzado" },
		expert        = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Experto" },
		freeride      = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Freeride, Fuera de pista" },
		extreme       = { g = 14, wd =          "", n = "Extremo" },

	-- group meanings
	g = {
		["1"]	= "Rango de precios",
		["2"]	= "Clasificación",
		["3"]	= "tipo del hotel",
		["4"]	= "Equipamiento general",
		["5"]	= "Instalaciones del hotel",
		["6"]	= "Servicios hoteleros",
		["7"]	= "Diseño interior",
		["8"]	= "Platos según su origen",
		["9"]	= "A la carta",
		["10"]	= "Bebidas",
		["11"]	= "Servicios de restauración",
		["12"]	= "Normas de conducta para la fotografía",
		["13"]	= "Normas de conducta",
		["14"]	= "Niveles de dificultad"

	exclude = { -- do not translate
		Q116168276 = "10. Superior Deluxe",
		Q1031873   = "aircraft catapult",
		Q573970    = "apron",
		Q104123038 = "bilingual street name sign",
		Q918324    = "control tower",
		Q192375    = "hangar",
		Q464020    = "instrument landing system",
		Q1061299   = "jet bridge",
		Q184590    = "runway",
		Q774583    = "solar panel",
		Q5191724   = "steeple",
		Q35473     = "window"