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| color 1
| color 2
| id
| info
| id size
Most HTML-based tables use only a handful of these attributes. The following subset can be used to quickly convert an HTML userbox into the format used here:
Below example shows the default appearance of a userbox, which is (much) higher than the 45px. Compare the height of the one below with the above userbox.
| id = foo logo
| id-c = #ffffee
| info = ''We are trying to see
default distance in between text
lines, and, see the distance in
between cell content and its border
and also see total height.''
| info-c = #ffeeff
| border-c = #aaffaa
| border-s = 2
foo logo
We are trying to see default distance in between text lines, and, see the distance in between cell content and its border and also see total height.
Below example shows how we can change that userbox and further specify parameters to bring down the overall height of the userbox to the recommended height of 45px, even with four text lines. Cell padding parameter "info-p" can also be set at "1pt 1pt 1pt 2pt", or "1pt 2pt" for better appearance, when there are 4 text lines.
| id = foo logo
| id-s = 14
| id-c = #ffffee
| id-lh = 1.1em
| info = ''We have specified values
to lessen the distance in between
text lines & padding space in between
cell content and its border.''
| info-c = #ffeeff
| info-s = 8
| info-p = 1pt
| info-lh = 1.05em
| border-c = #aaffaa
| border-s = 1
foo logo
We have specified values to lessen the distance in between text lines & padding space in between cell content and its border.
Below example is for advanced users, showing how we can specify other CSS properties, for example, "font-family", to change the font or "text-align" to change the alignment from the default parameters. At below, on the right side are two userboxes: top one is displayed without the "font-family" or "text-align" parameters; and the bottom userbox is displayed by using the below codes, with the help of the "info-op" field.
Esta documentación está transcluida desde Plantilla:Userbox/doc. Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas (crear) y en los casos de prueba (crear) de la plantilla. Por favor, añade las categorías en la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de esta plantilla.